One of the greatest phone conversations of my life was the night that we both told each other of our "secret" pregnancies and subsequently figured out that we were due right around the same time. A few weeks later it became official that our due dates were ONE DAY apart.
It has been such a wonderful thing having someone to go through this entire experience with. AND the ultimate blessing to have been able to compare my "boring" pregnancy to her horrific one. A blessing that I do not take lightly.
We have seen each other only a handful of times during the last 9 months, but it has been fun to watch each other grow. (Also, to see how great pregnancy looks on her, and how I have become much more "homely" throughout this process.)
Now we will see each other no more. The checkered flag is in sight. This is the week we are due. I have two days left. She has three. I'm so anxious to see when these two boys will make their debut.
I think the best part about all of this is that we will get to start motherhood together. What an adventure that will be. Heaven help us.